Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2012 Kerri Liles Photography

During the Fall a friend introduced me to  Kerri Liles FB Page

She has a child with Down syndrome and does amazing work with children of Down syndrome. She also has a giving & generous spirit that you can feel even over the Internet.
Kerri Liles Photography

She inspired me to donate some bows that she could use during her newborn sessions and then give to her babies as parting gifts.

She was so appreciative and sent her fans to support my fan page.

I love giving and will continue to do so for such a wonderful woman!

Check out her page & visit it often as she does post events of helping others.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Photography Gems

I am a woman of hobbies... I've always loved photography, maybe because my dad is a photographer, but after having kids I've really developed a deep love for it. Here are some of my photo shoot gems from the past month..


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

School is in Session!

Happy 2012-2013 school year to everyone!

This summer I decided not to put the boys in summer camp. Even though it was a little hectic having all 3 at home All day, I was happy we spent the summer together.

I still managed to make bows in between the feedings.. And I'm telling you, with a 12 year old & a 6 year old boys, their famous statement every hour was "I'm Hungry!"

I am currently still gifting my bows, but soon will start pricing them (small price) and charging small shipping fee.
Just enough to cover the cost of supplies.

Here are the bows that have been created and shipped this summer.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Designs

I've been trying out new hair bow designs .. These already have been gifted out .. I'm happy how they turned out! If you're interested in a hair bow, don't hesitate to message me .. I do not charge for my bows, I enjoy gifting and donating them.